Here are some pictures of finished x0x kits. Post your pix in the forum and we'll put it up!
There are also some x0xb0x images tagged on flickr.
x0x #026
x0x026 kindly donated the panel file he made for his x0x in TIF format for your paneling pleasure.
x0x #069
Nifty addition of an on/off switch.
x0x #111, check out the gallery here for more pictures of this ultra-modded out x0xb0x!
x0x #117
Silverstyling...see more pr0n at October71's gallery small knobs are from jameco, large knobs are mysterious surplus.
x0x #118 (purchased from orginal owner) and it's best friend #122
OMG! x0x #122's awesome overlay action. (Check out Mome Rath's flickr page for pics of his 4 x0xb0x's in action!)

x0xb0x #222 (still life with Jack Daniels)
x0x #233 (more pix from MatrixSynth at his blog)
x0xb0x #289 (Many more construction photos at flickr)